
Free. Open Source

Cloud Abstraction API

Free and Open Source Cloud Abstraction API simplifies Multi-Cloud Account Provisioning and the retrieval of Cost, Access and Policy data.

Multi-Cloud integration through a single API

Eliminate Vendor Lock-in

Connect to multiple Cloud Service Providers to deploy your cloud workloads seamlessly with Backplane. Providing your organisation with the flexibility to easily move workloads between cloud platforms

Reduce Cloud Spend

Backplane provides total cost transparency across cloud workloads in your organisation, helping drive better cost efficiency and utilisation. Enabling a greater focus towards delivering business value

Increase Business Value

With intelligent workload placement, you can deploy workloads in the most cost-efficient cloud platform, driving better cost-efficiency and business value

Remove Complexity

With a single integration point to cloud you can simplify and reduce integration time. Helping to speed-up business value delivery

Increase Developer Productivity

Development teams can spend less time on Cloud Integration. Enabling more focus on higher value features across existing tools

Become Cloud Native

Cloud transformations need strong multi-cloud governance. With Backplane you can adopt, enable and govern faster and accelerate cloud-native transformations.


Cloud Account Vending

Create your Apps with Azure Subscriptions, GCP Projects, AWS Accounts or OCI compartments

Access Manager

View all RBAC access in a standarised data shape so you can effective govern privilege across your cloud estate.

Policy Manager

Full visibility of resource policies across your cloud platforms

Service Catalog

Provides a single source of truth that enables service discovery for all workloads

Platform Manager

Platforms are the management container for Products, setting the Platform Budget, approval requests all happens at the Platform level

Cost Budget Management

Backplane support Cost Budget Management out-of-the-box

Approval Workflows

Products requesting Budget from parent platform, or Platform requesting budget from Org, the Approval Workflow engine ensures all cost is approved and owned.

Service Connectors

Add Services to Backplane is easily, e.g. Add Github service so that when a Product is created a Github Repo is automatically provisioned!

App Templates

Create custom App templates for Production and Sandbox environments that onboard different services.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Backplane ships with a fully featured CLI to aid in engineering automation scenarios.

Cloud Console

Lightweight UI leveraging HTMX for a SPA-experience to Cloud Management

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Supported Cloud Platforms

Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Platform
Amazon Web Services
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure