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Quick Start

This Quick Start will guide you through downloading the Backplane CLI and logging into the Backplane API Server.

Private Preview team

If you're a member of the Private Preview team, please follow the self-hosted instructions.

Install CLI

Download the Backplane CLI either from NPM or a pre-compiled binary for your OS.

demo server

You can use the hosted Backplane API server at for Demo purposes.

Use the below command to verify installation has been successful:

$ bp -V


Install API Server

To set the CLI to use the demo server, use the following command:

bp auth setserver --server

Register Organisation

bp user register --displayname "<Display Name>" --email "<your e-mail address>" --password "<Password>" --orgname "<Your Organisation Name>"


bp auth login -e "<your e-mail address>" -p "<Password>"

Adding Cloud Credentials

Now that your Organisation and User account has been setup, you're now ready toregister your cloud platforms.

Creating a Service Principal in Azure

To create credentials you'll need to create an App registration in Entra ID.

  1. Go to Microsoft Entra ID, and under Manage in the left side menu, select App registrations.

  2. Click on New Registration and provide a name (e.g. backplane-api) a name and click Register.

  3. Take note of the Tenant ID and Client ID.

  4. Create a new Client Secret, click on Add a certificate or secret, New client secret, type a description, set expiry and click Add. Make a note of the Secret Value.

  5. Assign the Service Principal you created with Contributor permission at the Subscription scope.

Add Azure Credentials

bp cloud azure add --id "<orgID>"
--tenantid "<tenant ID>"
--clientid "<client ID>"
--clientsecret "<Your Client Secret>"
--subscriptionid "<default subscription GUID>"

The Subscription ID is required in the MVP since App environments are provisioned as Resource Groups as opposed to Subscriptions. Subscription environments will be in a future release.

Create Platform

An Organisation will have a number of Platforms that provide a business capability, and within those platforms will exist Products. The Platform acts as a container for Products, but also a governance boundary for Cost, Access and Policies. Let's create our first platform:

bp platform add --displayname 'Platform A'

As the creator of the Platform, you will be assigned as the Owner.

Create Product

A Product can contain one or many Apps, and an App can belong to a single Cloud Platform. For example, Product A can contain App X (Azure), App Y (AWS) and App Z (GCP). The Apps represent the Cloud Workload and set of environments.

bp product add --displayname 'Product X' --platformid '<Platform ID>'

Create App

bp app create --displayname "My first App" --cloud "azure | gcp | aws"

App templates define what environments are created and optionally onboarding of a service, for example a Github repository. The default template will create prod, nonprod, test and dev. Custom App Templates can be added such as Sandbox whereby only a single environment is provisioned.

Powershell Users

For Powershell users, run pwsh and then use the CLI commands with the --stringify or -s switch to return raw JSON, this can then be piped into Powershell with ConvertFromJSON.

For example:

bp product list --stringify | Convert-FromJSON

This completes the Quick Start.