
Step-by-step Walkthrough

Lewis Sheridan

Step-by-step video demo of Backplane API and CLI. Instructions are provided below should you wish to follow along.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough instructions

Create Organisation

Register User and Org

bp user register --displayname 'Backplane Demo' --email --password 12345 --orgname 'Backplane Demo'

Login User

bp auth login --email --password 12345

Create Platforms

bp platform create --displayname 'Cloud Engineering' --description 'Platform for Cloud Engineering Products'

Create Products

bp product create --displayname 'Product Alpha' --description 'This is a description for Product Alpha' --platformid 665ef85664dcaff2a820d218
bp product create --displayname 'Product Beta' --description 'This is a description for Product Beta' --platformid 665ef85664dcaff2a820d218
bp org show --id 665ee76d64dcaff2a820cffc --tree

Add Cloud Credentials


bp cloud azure add --tenantid d47fe008-774b-4765-97f9-ef224ad333c8 --clientid 4e6d07d7-ec0b-4f61-af45-7b11240e8702 --clientsecret GiP8Q~GRtmwG6NDWkH5FKm56o4IpkStEJ2hlKaC- --subscriptionid 2a04f460-f517-4085-808d-7877fd30ea72 --id


bp cloud aws add --clientid <clientid> --clientsecret <client-secret> --id


bp cloud gcp add --gcpsecret <gcpfile.json> --tenantid <gcp> --id


bp cloud oci add --ocisecret <ocifile.json>  --id

Creating Apps


// View Templates available
bp template list —id

// Create App
bp app create --displayname 'My App' --cloud <azure | gcp | aws | oci>
bp app list
bp app show --id <app-id>


bp app create --displayname "My GCP App" --cloud aws
bp app show --id <app-id>

View App Access

bp app access list --id 665eeec064dcaff2a820d1bc

Using Powershell for easier manipulation of terminal display

bp app access list --id 665eeec064dcaff2a820d1bc --stringify | convertfrom-json
$access = bp app access list --id 665eeec064dcaff2a820d1bc --stringify | convertfrom-json
$access[0].assignments | ft name, principalId, principalType, description

View App Policy

bp app policy list --id <app-id>

Using Powershell for easier display

$policy = bp app policy list --id 665eeec064dcaff2a820d1bc --stringify | convertfrom-json

View App Cost

bp app cost show --id <app-id>
bp request create —requestType link —requestedForType product —requestedForId 6660de51f06537999ef1cb4c —appid 6660777522b46a1376075592

View Request on Product

bp request list
bp product request list -i 6660de51f06537999ef1cb4c

Show Product has no Apps linked

bp product show --id 6660de51f06537999ef1cb4c

Approve Request

bp request approve -i 6660e044bdc6142a33665406 --code 12949173

Check Product has App Associated

bp app show —id 6660777522b46a1376075592


Set Budget for Org

bp budget create --year 2024 --amount 1000000 --currency usd --id

Request Budget for Platform

Create Budget Request - Platform Request Budget from Org

bp request create —requestType budget —requestedForType platform —requestedForId 66617f4a3834862e4e740793 —budget 500000

Approve Budget Request for Platform

bp request approve -i 6662e7e700ec6722807076e6 --code 53866367

Show Budget Allocated has increased by Requested Amount

bp org budget list -i 66617edc3834862e4e740771
bp platform budget show --id 66617f4a3834862e4e740793

Request Budget for Product

Create Budget Request - Platform Request Budget from Org

bp request create --requestType budget --requestedForType product --requestedForId 66617f903834862e4e7407a4 --budget 100000

Approve Budget Request for Platform

bp request approve -i 6662ea8300ec672280707760 --code 34092354

Show Budget Allocated has increased by Requested Amount

bp platform budget show --id 66617f4a3834862e4e740793

Show Product has Budget

bp product budget show -i 66617f903834862e4e7407a4
bp org show --id 665ee76d64dcaff2a820cffc --tree

Add New User and Assign Role (Optional)

Create User

bp user create --displayname 'Mike Tyson' --email --password 12345

View Roles

bp role list

View Assignments

bp assign list

Add Role Assignments

bp assign create -h
bp assign create --assigntype user --principal 665f0129790877778edd158f --scope /orgs/665ee76d64dcaff2a820cffc --role 665ee76d64dcaff2a820d003
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