

Lewis Sheridan

Backplane is developed using a microservices design architecture.

Project Status

The Backplane API is currently an MVP in BETA. The below table shows the Cloud Integration progress across the concerns of Account Provisioning, Access, Policy and Cost data retrieval.


Want to get involved ?

If you want to get involved and contribute to the Project, please visit Backplane API Github Repo

REST Endpoints

For more details view the Swagger Spec Open API

API EndpointDescription
/orgsThis is the highest management scope
/platformsOrgs have many platforms for technology capabilities
/productsPlatforms Contain many Products
/appsApps represent the Cloud workload
/servicesServices are for provisioning integrations like Github
/requestsThe Workflow Approval Engine for budgets is managed through the Request endpoint
/usersTo Authenticate to Backplane you need a User Account
/assignmentsAssignments of Users to Roles at management scope
/rolesThese are the allow actions permitted on an endpoint at a particular scope
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